Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yes... We are back...

Episode point five in 09 is now on the NOSSAONLINE podcast page. And... Episode One '09 is "in the can"
Point five is a very interesting conversation with a company that can help you grow...through....well, youre just gonna have to listen to it. I apologize for the quality of the recording. Sadly, it took place near the back lot barn at Disneyland. Ya know, sometimes its just hard to find a quiet place.

BUT, Episode 1 '09 is with Drevon Cooks. A great guy whos is making a living.... being short. Yup, he does parties... as a...midget. Found his ad" GOT MIDGET?" online. I called him and ... well, there ya have it.

Enjoy. And, let me know what you want to know.
