Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Podcast coming

A really nice conversation with an old friend and ..a very tall friend. George the Giant. The Low Down covers it all from short to tall, and here is one of the tall. He has/had the same sort of issues we all have.. well worth a listen in my humble opinion

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Soon... very soon.

A computer crash has delayed the next two podcasts.. but one is a great interview that survived the crash... and another is .. well, as you can see, I have been challenged to take it up a notch. So, Im going to. Theres been a few things that have started to bug me and .. its your turn to listen.

In the meanwhile, saw this last night... to borrow a phrase my mom wouldnt appreciate...

WTF ? ( see attached pic )

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yeah... I havent updated in awhile. I have grown weary in my duties.
So, how do I proceed ? Who do I talk to ? Who is having an issue right now ? Who do I defend Who do I attack ?
here is an email I received via facebook... and its a valid point...

Subject: thoughts on the podcast

since you never put up a new blog on the lowdown blogspot thing, i figure that i'll just write a comment here.

my thoughts:

you need to grow a pair on the podcast. you are a very opinionated pain in the ass (with all love and respect), and then you go on the podcast and act all nice... follow howard stern's advice and be yourself on the air. it'll be more fun for both you and the listener. i want to hear your opinions on things (whether i agree or not). quit playing nice!!!

another thing, don't go on the air without knowing exactly what you want to talk about. how many of these things are you going to record where you beg the audience to tell you what to talk about (politics, jokes, traffic, funny short-guy dating stories, WHATEVER...). YOU DECIDE, YOU TALK, WE LISTEN.

i enjoy your podcast (and sometimes you too), please go balls-to-the-wall here. i think the more you bring to the table, the faster people are going to jump on board and start listening. give them something to listen to!

so perhaps its time to step outside the boundaries that are established.. but the podcast is NOSSA related... height related... height issues..

Though granted, I have new ideas I am working on... but still...

I mean, I suppose I could rant about people with similar names, or books I see people reading on the subway, or even just random things I came across during a day in my life...
but how boring a blog would that be ??

( yeah, the guy who wrote the letter to me has a blog JUST like that ;-) )


He may have a point...

BUT... until then... new podcast very soon with a pretty good interview...

stay tuned


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Okay... so I think my St Patty's day edition is one of my favorites. But, it's not like I set the bar real high ya know ?

However, as I said in the cast... I need responses. I need your feedback. I need to know you care. Maybe a hug or something ? ;-)

Seriously. This podcast took me to an edge that I wasn't very comfortable with,

Why? Well, I temper my conversation of uncomfortable subjects with people by their reactions. If I am meeting someone for the first time, I am very cautious of my words, my humor, my approach.. etc. I do tend to observe and analyze a bit too much. BUT, when one is ranting on a podcast.. and essentially pushing buttons, I don't know how far to push. Had this been a national broadcast, I would have been getting calls on the switchboard and tried to figureo ut which way to go. As it was/is... I basically am myself and being a bit aggressive I guess...

that's how I roll baby...lol

Thanks for listening..



Thursday, March 12, 2009

So...its going...

And I have decided to just pretend I have a huge crowd listening in. Yeah, I know. But a lot of my life revolves around fantasy. So...
Listeners... You can follow your host on twitter http://twitter.com/david_m_beach
or join the fan club on facebook....


That should work... and now..I sit back and wait for the throngs...

Hi Mom...Dad....


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yes... We are back...

Episode point five in 09 is now on the NOSSAONLINE podcast page. And... Episode One '09 is "in the can"
Point five is a very interesting conversation with a company that can help you grow...through....well, youre just gonna have to listen to it. I apologize for the quality of the recording. Sadly, it took place near the back lot barn at Disneyland. Ya know, sometimes its just hard to find a quiet place.

BUT, Episode 1 '09 is with Drevon Cooks. A great guy whos is making a living.... being short. Yup, he does parties... as a...midget. Found his ad" GOT MIDGET?" online. I called him and ... well, there ya have it.

Enjoy. And, let me know what you want to know.


Saturday, January 31, 2009